Today, NHK announced an all-new tokusatsu inspired drama series, Chosoku Parahero Gandine (Super Speed ParaHero Gandine). The series features a groundbreaking premise that combines disabled sports with transforming heroes. The series will heavily focus on wheelchair related combat and action, as the protagonist is paraplegic. In addition, the series’ paraplegic protagonist will transform into a typical ‘henshin hero,’ who uses a superpowered wheelchair. However, Chosoku Parahero Gandine is special mini-series that will span three episodes rather than having 12 or more episodes. Furthermore, the main cast features several actors, previously…
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Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Press Conference
Today, Toei held the official press conference for the next installment in the Super Sentai series, Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger. As previously been reported, the new series will commemorate the 45th anniversary of the franchise. Whereas, its premise will feature our heroes attempting to save their world, and the parallel worlds. However, unlike previous series in the franchise, the leader will be human and the remaining members will consist of robots. These robots are referred to as the Kikainoids, who also double as the series mecha. In addition, the main gimmick…
Read MoreMill Creek Entertainment Announces Ultraman Ginga/ Ginga S Complete Series Set
Today, Mill Creek Entertainment announced that they will be releasing a complete collection set for the main Ultraman Ginga productions. Now, this set will include Ultraman Ginga, Ultraman Ginga S, the movie, and the mini-series Ultra Fight Victory. Ultraman Ginga and its productions ran between 2013 and 2014, while being a 50th anniversary celebration for Tsuburaya Productions. Additionally, Ultraman Ginga is the start of the New Generation Hero saga, which recently concluded with the 2019 installment, Ultraman Taiga. Also, most fans consider both Ginga and its sequel as one full…
Read MoreAmazon Prime Goes Ultra – Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga Trailer & More
The official Ultraman Website has recently updated its section on the upcoming Amazon Japan Prime series, Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga. The page updates feature a series description, cast, staff, and opening/ end credit tracks. Along with this huge update Amazon Japan’s YouTube uploaded the first full length trailer for the series. Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga will begin on December 26 with weekly upload for new episodes, and will run for 12 episodes. Series Description: Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga is the series that chronicles the past of both,…
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