Tatiana Maslany to Play She-Hulk

Happy Thursday heroes! We have some news coming out Deadline. We’ve learned that Tatiana Maslany is set to play one Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk in the upcoming Disney + series starring that character. This makes me so happy because I’ve loved Tatiana Maslany work since Orphan Black and since then she’s been good in everything she’s done since then. So I’m satisfied with this casting choice. I believe she’ll do a fantastic job as the lead character. It makes me glad knowing that Kevin Feige is committed on his mission to diversify the MCU and this is helping that case.


Overall, I’m looking forward to when She-Hulk starts production.  I don’t know who else will be in this series, I would love for Bruce Banner to pop in but I have no clue whether they can use Hulk in television series. I know movies they’re fine but TV shows I’m guessing would be a different contract involved but who knows. Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Stay tuned with Hero Club for all the news you care about.

Source: Deadline

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