TWK Reviews Episode 54: WWE 2K23 is a Slight Step Forward

Hello Hero-Club, TDub here, and welcome to my review of WWE’s annual video game release, WWE 2K23! For the first time since the series’ return with, WWE 2K22, 2K has managed to release a yearly sequel. Interestingly, with the return to the usual format, the game, itself has been seen as quite the big deal.


For those unaware, WWE 2K20, was the culmination of every bad decision that 2K could possibly make. As a result, WWE 2K20 ended up becoming the most glitch filled, high-budgeted wrestling game in recent memory. Thankfully, 2K took the next year off, used to the pandemic to help create the aforementioned WWE 2K22. So, when production began on WWE 2K23, I was somewhat worried. Anyway, let us see if my concerns were well founded, or if we got a solid entry our hands. Nevertheless, for those eager to hear my thoughts, the following is TWK REVIEWS WWE 2K23!

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