Game developer Akira Nisitani revealed details of Arika’s “Mysterious Fighting Game” on the official Playstation blog. The game is revealed to be called Fighting EX Layer and a beta test will be available this December, which will run for two weeks.  The following characters will be available in the beta: Kairi, Garuda, Skullomania, Darun Mister, Allen Snider, and Shirase.  Fighting EX Layer will be a part of Arika’s EX series, which includes games like the Street Fighter EX series.
A demo event for the game will be featured in at Sony’s Playstation Experience that will be held on December 9-10 in Anaheim, California.
Nisitani also posted some thoughts about the Gougi system in the game.
About the Gougi system that everyone is curious about: it’s grown into a very deep and exciting addition to the game. When the idea first came about, I brainstormed various Gougi, which combinations would work well, and what the matches would be like. Trying to imagine all of the possibilities, I got a feeling that “This game is going to be interesting!”
But after experimenting with my Gougi ideas, I often ended up saying “This is not what I imagined.” But that’s where the fun lies! Coming up with new ideas and experimenting in game was awesome. I believe not many games allow you to so easily brainstorm ideas and then test them out in-game; please try it!
Fighting EX Layer will launch worldwide in 2018.
Source: Playstation