This September during Crunchyroll Expo 2018, the event will host the premiere screening for the upcoming Tiger & Bunny spin-off anime project, Double Decker! The series fully known as Double Decker! Doug & Kirill, it is set within the same universe as the 2011 superhero anime, Tiger & Bunny. Instead of focusing on a superhero duo, Double Decker! focuses on a detective duo. This series will be the first in the new Tiger & Bunny related anime projects known as the “Buddy Duo” series; the rest of the projects have yet to be revealed.
Double Decker! will be simulcast on Crunchyroll this October which aligns with the series premiere at Crunchyroll Expo. No details have been revealed as to what day during the Expo will feature the Double Decker! premiere or when is the exact time; the event runs from September 1 – 3, 2018 and will be at the San Jose Convention Center. For more information and updates on Double Decker! Doug & Kirill, please stay tuned to Hero Club.
Source: Crunchyroll