E3 2018: Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date

Good Morning heroes, we have some news coming out of E3 that I’m sure many fans have wanted to hear for years. That being the official release date of Kingdom Hearts 3. The game many of us thought would never come out but were mistaken. The official Kingdom Hearts 3 twitter page made the reveal that it’s set to come out for Xbox One and PS4 January 29, 2019. So please, start making your plans to take the day off now. I’m certain my generation will since we’ve waited so long to get this final chapter and the fact that it’s finally coming. I know I couldn’t be more excited. Question for the readers, what’s one of your favorite moments in Kingdom Hearts? I think for me looking back I appreciate playing as Roxas and discovering what it means to be a Nobody. Until next time, I’m XBen3000 and I’m out!

Source: Kingdom Hearts Twitter

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