Kamen Rider Ex-Aid August Scans *Spoilers

Recently new scans for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid have surfaced online, which reveals events that will be featured on the show in August.

*Keep in mind this article contains spoilers so read at one’s discretion*

As the show reaches it’s final stretch, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Pallad join forces to fight against Kamen Rider Chronos and Gemdeus. 

Next, it has been revealed that Kamen Rider Chronos and Gemdeus will fuse to become GemdeusChronos.

Continuing on it has been revealed that Kamen Rider Build will appear at fight against Ex-Aid and his team.

Finally, the movie will feature Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and his team fighting against a new version of Gemdeus named GemdeusMachina.

Source: Dukemon

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