Power Rangers In Space “Always a Chance” BTS Footage

Hey there Hero-Club, does anyone happen to remember our friend and associate, Dairenn Lombard from a few years ago? Well, if people do recall who Dairenn is, then this recap is not necessary, so jump to the next paragraph. However, for those who do not know Dairenn, this is to bring everyone else up to speed. So, for those unaware, back in 2020-21 we befriended Mr. Dairenn Lombard on social media after he seemingly from nowhere. Specifically, Dairenn began sharing pictures from the Power Rangers sets, so many assumed that he worked on the show. As a result, we wanted to learn who Dairenn was, and how he actually came to possess these behind-the-scenes images. Ultimately, it led to our exposé on him, where we discovered Dairenn was a journalist on defunct message boards. Furthermore, Dairenn allowed us to make an entire album to archive his images, which is available on Hero-Club’s FaceBook page.

Now, Dairenn recently contacted us to promote more content that he has recovered and uploaded to YouTube. Specifically, as the title states, this video will be about the iconic Power Rangers In Space episode, “Always a Chance.” Yes, the incredible episode where Adam Park (Johnny Yong Bosch) returns to help Carlos Vallerte (Roger Velasco) with a problem. Also, it leads to Adam risking his life, and morphing into the Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger again. Whereas, with Dairenn’s video, this features JYB and Roger Velasco practicing stunts with director Koichi Sakamoto. Also, there is several minutes of Adam and Carlos‘ battle in Angel Grove Park (Griffith Park) with Astronema’s forces. So, fans should expect to see Alpha-6, Quantrons, Lizward, and the Ranger suits in action too.

Anyway, we hope fans enjoy this video, and look forward to whenever Dairenn may uncover other files from past adventures. Like for all we know, Dairenn might have videos somewhere for “Countdown to Destruction,” and “Journey’s End.” So, if those videos ever appear Hero-Club will surely share and promote them as soon as possible. Furthermore, for those interested in talking to Dairenn directly he is available on YouTube and Twitter. However, it might taking him some time to respond, as he is currently relocating to Japan. Nevertheless, thanks again Dairenn for collaborating with Hero-Club, and fans remember to follow us across social media by using @HeroClub4Life

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