[Interview] Actor & Suit Performer Kurt Carley on Godzilla (98), the Underworld Series & More!

Hey there Heroes, today Hero-Club is proud to present the first of its two brand new interviews for December! So, starting us off is an interview with actor and suit performer, Mr. Kurt Carley hosted by our editor-in-chief Wheelchair21. Now, for those unaware, Mr. Carley was the main suit performer in Godzilla (1998) where he played both Zilla and its child. Although, regarding Baby Godzilla, Mr. Carley was one of many actors that brought the several children to life. Whereas, even to this date many are still surprised that Godzilla…

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[Con Report] Power Morphicon 2024: The Entire Weekend Rundown

Last weekend, the biannual Power Rangers convention, Power Morphicon was held in Pasadena, California from August 23rd to the 25th. As per usual, the event was held at the Pasadena Convention Center, which is part of the greater Marriott branding. Additionally, the accompanying Sheraton Pasadena Hotel was rebranded, as the Dena last Summer, joining the Tribute Portfolio series. So, the revamped hotel was a subtle change for attendees returning to the show following PMC 2022. However, the event’s housing did not change within the past few shows, excluding its temporary…

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[Interview] Actor Bruno Patrick (Guyver Zoanoid in Guyver 2: Dark Hero)

Well, it is time to get Bio-Boosted and Biomorph with the Guyver Zoanoid, Arlen Crane from Guyver 2: Dark Hero. Yes, our guest for today’s interview is Bruno Patrick (credited as Bruno Gianotta), who portrayed the film’s main antagonist. So, our interview goes over how Bruno landed the role, crafted the character, and other behind-the-scenes information. Also, we discuss what is like getting back into acting, and attending conventions. Especially, since this interview was arranged from us learning about the film’s anniversary screening and Bruno’s appearance at RoboToyFest. Anyway, we…

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[Interview] Narō TV’s CEO Todd Silverstein & VP of Content Production Jordan Smith

Good morning Heroes, and happy Monday, as we are one day away from celebrating Halloween 2023! Now, today we have an interview that has been sitting in our backlog since last December. However, what delayed everything was scheduling, editing mishaps, and ‘corporate okays’ pertaining to what our guests could say. Unfortunately, during this time, the educational streaming Narō TV announced it would be closing its door by 2024. Yet, rather than cancelling the interview outright, our guests are allowing us to share what Narō TV was about. Especially, since the…

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[Interview] Actor Yasuhisa Furuhara, Engine Sentai Go-Onger’s Go-On Red

Good evening Heroes, today Hero-Club is presenting its newest interview, which is with Engine Sentai Go-Onger’s Yasuhisa Furuhara. Yes, our guest is none other than the man who portrays Go-On Red/ Sōsuke Esumi, in the Super Sentai series. However, besides appearing in Super Sentai, Furuhara-san has been in other tokusatsu productions. Specifically, the 2011 film Karate-Robo Zaborgar a remake of 1974’s Denjin Zaborger, and Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga. In addition, Furuhara-san has recently launched a YouTube channel in 2022 where he discusses his life, and work in tokusatsu. As a…

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[Interview] Writer & Producer Melissa Flores (Power Rangers, Massive-Verse & More)

Good morning, Heroes, today we have another all-new interview, and our guest is none other than Melissa Flores. Currently, she is best known for her work as a writer for the Power Rangers and the Massive-Verse comics! However, for those unaware, Melissa’s experience with the Power Rangers franchise began as a producer at Saban Brands. Then after leaving the Power Rangers brand, Melissa transitioned into writing comic books, as mentioned earlier.   Now, in our interview we discuss her time at Saban Brands, including her involvement with Glitter Force and Digimon Fusion. Also, we ask what was the…

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Hero-Club LIVE Archives: Kamen Rider Geats’ Michael Kinder Interview

On Sunday, December 18th, Hero-Club held its first-ever live interview on Twitch, thus launching our interview subseries Hero-Club LIVE. To verify, this series will be for whenever interview guests want to meet up for long durations. In addition, the guests are allowing us to interview them in front of a virtual audience, and accept viewer participation. However, we are uncertain if future Hero-Club LIVE interviews will remain exclusively on Twitch or shared on YouTube moving forward.   Then as for our first guest in the series, it is actor, stuntman,…

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[Interview] Tokusatsu Director & Producer Takeshi Yagi

Today, Hero-Club is presenting its newest interview, which we previously alluded to in our interview with Ultraman Max’s Sean Nichols. Also, Sean Nichols should be considered as the initial mastermind behind this current interview altogether. Especially, when it was Sean who helped to network and connect us with our guest that we are featuring today. So, we really have to further thank Sean, as this entire interview would probably not be happening without him.   Now, as the title of this article states, our guest is former Tsuburaya Productions director and…

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[PMC2022] Interview with Renegade Game Studios’ Jonathan Ying

Today, Hero-Club is finally following up on the release of the Johnathan Ying interview, which was conducted at Power Morphicon 2022. We previously mentioned that this was on the site’s release docket earlier this month when the editing process began. So, for those unaware, our guest is the lead designer for Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. Whereas. the game is a tabletop role-playing game produced by Renegade Game Studios, and it was released in August 2019. In addition, one of our staff members and founders, Soundout12, even produced content…

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[Interview] Ultraman Max Star & Ultraman Connection Host Sean Nichols

For the last week, we at Hero-Club have been promoting the heck out of this new and upcoming interview. Thankfully, today is the day in which we can officially present that featured interview to everyone. Like the title states, our guest this time is Ultraman Max star and the host of Ultraman Connection, Sean Nichols. Surprisingly, this interview was something our site was trying to arrange since the start of Ultraman Connection in 2021. However, our staff came across a few roadblocks until late July when we managed to contact Mr.…

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