TWK REVIEWS Episode 44: Goemon’s Great Adventure

Hello Hero-Club, TDub here once again with a review for another classic game for Nintendo 64’s library. In addition, it is a game that I feel went under way too many people’s radars. Now, the game I am referring to is Goemon’s Great Adventure which was developed by the folks over at Konami. By the way, does anyone remember when Konami actually made video games?


Anyway, this game is the sequel to Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, which I did previously review too. Also, I will include that review here, as a bonus to bring people up to speed. Furthermore, see the review for the previous game will help people see the stark difference between the two games. However, it really should not take long to notice the difference between the installments either.

So, without further ado, here is the proper review for Goemon’s Great Adventure for the Nintendo 64!

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