Recently, Bandai Namco announced a brand new game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. The game will be titled, “Dragon Ball: The Breakers,” and unlike the usual fighting/ beat-em-up styled game it will instead be more of a survival styled game. The game will feature eight players and they will be divided between one attacker (Raider) and seven survivors. The game will also be loosely based on Cell’s attack on Ginger City as seen in the Dragon Ball Z anime/ manga. A closed beta will also be available at a later date.
While players will be taking control of normal civilians, they will also be able to items found on the map and use their skills including a “Dragon Charge” move in order to survive. The “Dragon Charge” move will be based on moves used by the Z fighters. Players will also need use the power of the Super Time Machine in order to escape.
No other details about the game are available at this time so stay tuned for updates. Dragon Ball: The Breakers will be released for the Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Steam in 2022.
Source: Dragon Ball Website
[…] with a new trailer for Dragon Ball: The Breakers. For those who are aware, the game was originally announced last year. The game is a co-op survival game where players control normal civilians against several […]