RRPG Two-Cents: PlayStation Brand Morale & Future

Hey there Hero-Club this is RRPG Reviews, and today I am presenting the newest installment in my RRPG Two-Cents series. Normally featured on my personal YouTube Channel, the series is about video editorials on various topics, mostly gaming news. However, I currently plan to promote the series here on Hero-Club, since I am not active enough on the site.


Now, today’s video is about the current situation regarding Sony, and their attempts to release ‘blockbuster’ video games. For those unaware, this is a response to the story that Bloomberg News reported on this past Friday. So, if things are like they are for Sony, this could spill bad news for the PlayStation family’s future toward consumers. I hope this is not the case, but Jim Ryan as Sony Interactive Entertainment’s current president does not make me optimistic. Especially when this concerns the first-party titles being produced for the PlayStation 5. Anyway, here my two-cents on the subject, and I am back to doing it, for once!

Cinematic Dragons Intro created by Voxyde


Also, here are my social media contacts and information on The Geek Fighters!

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