Recently, it was announced that 2007 PSP game, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, is going to be remade for modern consoles. With this announcement, it quickly took fans by storm, aside from the other reveal being Final Fantasy VII Rebirth for the Playstation 5. However, after looking at the trailer, I have come to believe that this remake is more than what it seems. Now, what I mean is that this Crisis Core remake will be similar to how the Final Fantasy VII Remake has been produced. So, this Two-Cents…
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RRPG Two-Cents: The Great Ace Attorney Heads West!
Hey there Hero-Club this is RRPG Reviews, and today I am presenting the newest installment in my RRPG Two-Cents series. Normally featured on my personal YouTube Channel, the series is about video editorials on various topics, mostly gaming news. Now, the subject for this video is something that I never thought would arrive on Western shores. However, it is actually coming to America and it will arrive in July, which is the Great Ace Attorney games! Yes, both spin-offs from the Ace Attorney series are receiving an American release, but it is through a special…
Read MoreRRPG Two-Cents: PlayStation Brand Morale & Future
Hey there Hero-Club this is RRPG Reviews, and today I am presenting the newest installment in my RRPG Two-Cents series. Normally featured on my personal YouTube Channel, the series is about video editorials on various topics, mostly gaming news. However, I currently plan to promote the series here on Hero-Club, since I am not active enough on the site. Now, today’s video is about the current situation regarding Sony, and their attempts to release ‘blockbuster’ video games. For those unaware, this is a response to the story that Bloomberg…
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