Today, Sunrise announced a new installment in the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise, that is a live-action production. This live-action production is apart of the Gundam Build multiverse titled, Gundam Build Real. The series will follow a similar premise to previous installments where people build kits and battle with them in virtual reality. Currently, Sunrise has provided a cast/ staff list, series summary, and teaser trailer for the production.
Official series synopsis provided by Sunrise:
It has been many years since the robot anime, “Mobile Suit Gundam,” which caused a major revolution in the 1980s. The revolution sparked craze of building model kits called Gunpla base on various robots seen in the series. Among the heyday of e-sports, “Gundam Model Battle” drove its popularity even higher. People scan their own Gunpla and operate the Gundam projected in full size. When scanning, “attack power,” “defense power,” “special moves,” and “speed” are written in AR (augmented reality), and their abilities are reflected. Therefore, not only the maneuvering technique, but also the Gunpla production technique (assembly, painting, modification of weapons, etc.) determines the outcome.
Hiro, our main character, formed team “Bright” with his friends when they were in elementary school. They are aiming to win the district tournament by upgrading the one-piece Gunpla (Nana Hachi) that they all bought together. However, the day before the tournament, they lost the Gunpla that should have been in their bag. Hiro who is upset blames one of the members as thief and leading to a fight. Team “Bright” disbands without participating in the tournament, and four years pass since then. One day when team “Bright” is in their first year of high school, they met again with a message from one of the members. Hiro the pilot, Takumi the builder (in charge of the mobile suit), Kentaro the programmer, Nakamaru the commander, and Sota Alma (in charge of weapons) finally reunite. After becoming high school students, they will aim for the national tournament again. However, due to disagreements they will face various crises. Farewell to friends, and feud with rival teams. It is a youth group image drama by high school students who keep their dreams and friendships in their hearts and grow little by little through the Gunpla battle.
Series Cast:
Ryutaro Yamasaki as Hiro Suzuki (16 years old)
Bright Team Pilot. As the leader of Bright Team, he is impatient and clumsy. His honest personality, good or bad, is loved by the people around him. He wants to lead his team to victory in the tournament.
Toya Nojima as Takumi Shimizu (16 years old)
Bright Team Builder (in charge of assembling and painting Gunpla). He is gentlemanly and dexterous, but mentally weak.
Kazuki Otomo as Kentaro Narita (16 years old )
Bright Team Programmer. He is a student and rich in wisdom, but very sarcastic. He provides calm words to his teammates in good or bad situations.
Kikuchi Ginga as Taichi Nakamaru (16 years old )
Bright Team C3I (communication, command, control and information). He is a very social person. His parents are real estate agents and the secret base of the team is on their property.
Raizo Ishikawa as Sota Matsumoto (16 years old)
Bright Team Alma (in charge of assembling and painting weapons and armor). Has a genius skill and a cool personality. When he was in elementary school, he became a prominent figure in the Gunpla battle world by producing the so-called “Armageddon.” It has been confirmed that “Armageddon” has more than twice the effect of a normal Hyper Bazooka due to its painting technology.
Staff & Production:
- Original Creator – Hajime Yatate, Yoshiyuki Tomino
- General Director – Katsuyuki Motohiro
- Director – Yuwa Tanaka
- Screenwriters – Naoya Yamauchi, Yuwa Tanaka
- Composer – Ryota Nozaki (Jazztronik)
- Producer – Shuhei Okabayashi (LDS), Momo Inaba (Production I.G.)
- Photo – Kazushige Kawagoe
- Setting Examination – Jiro Ishii
- Planning Cooperation – Bandai Spirits
- Music Production – Sunrise Music Production
- Production – LDS Production Cooperation, Production IG Planning, Sunrise
Gundam Build Real will be broadcast on the Gundam Channel, the official Japanese YouTube Channel for Gundam. The series is scheduled to premiere on March 29 at 8:00 pm JST. However, international distribution through GundamInfo on YouTube has not yet been determined, so stay tuned to Hero-Club for more details and updates!
Source: Gundam Build Real Official Site