[Interview] Super7’s Kyle Wlodyga is Back!

Today, Hero-Club is conducting its first follow up interview, and it is with Super7’s toy designer, Kyle Wlodyga. For those unaware, immediately after our interview with him from Power Morphicon 2022, we looked to schedule another one. Surprisingly, we were able to quickly arrange at date, and meet up to talk more in-depth about Super7. This time we wanted to go more in-depth with our questions, and give Kyle as much time as he needed. Also, we wanted to use the time to discuss the other brands that Super7 collaborates with like Thundercats, and Silverhawks. In addition, we get to ask how figures are made, and we collectively geek out on various things. Furthermore, since this was recorded in early October, so expect side discussions regarding the failed Haslab Ghost Rider project. Anyway, without further ado, please enjoy our second interview with Super 7’s Kyle Wlodyga.

So, this concludes the written portion of the article and our second interview with Super7’s Kyle Wlodyga. Additionally, we would be glad to have Kyle Wlodyga back anytime to ask him more things, or to geek out. Whereas, we have to thank Kyle again for this opportunity, and hopefully we can talk to Brian Flynn some day. Nevertheless, readers please continue to support the site, and follow Hero-Club across social media using @HeroClub4Life!

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