Hello there Hero-Club, ZeltraxMillennium here, and today is the day that we finally feature my newest interview. As we teased Monday, today is the official release of my interview with the iconic voice actor, David Kaye. Now, most people should recognize David Kaye for his work in Transformers as Megatron, or as Inuyasha’s brother Sesshomaru. However, I could go on about the various characters that David Kaye voiced, but we are here to interview him. Now, the interview was split into two parts, and both are available in this…
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[Interview] Voice Actor Lee Tockar (Beast Wars, Mega Man & More)
Today, I am proud to fully present my newest ‘ZM Interview’ that is in collaboration with Hero-Club. My guest this time is voice actor Lee Tockar, as we reported on Monday. Now, Lee Tockar is a person that 90’s kids in North America heard throughout animated programs even into adulthood. Several of Mr. Tockar’s roles are apart of American and Canadian co-productions like Beast Wars: Transformers, as Agent Ravage. Whereas, his other roles have been for Ocean Group’s English dubs in anime series like the rarely seen Dragon Ball Z…
Read More[Sneak Peak] Lee Tockar on Dragon Ball Z Kai (Ocean Group Dub)
The following is a promotional clip from our staff member, ZeltraxMillennium for his newest interview with voice actor Lee Tockar. The full interview will be posted onto the site later this week, or fans can currently watch it on Zeltrax’s YouTube Channel if they so please. Anyway, for those unaware, Lee Tockar has performed in several North American cartoons, and English anime dubs. Some of Mr. Tockar’s roles include Street Sharks, Beast Wars: Transformers, Monster Rancher, and Johnny Test. However, this promotional clip is regarding Mr. Lee Tockar’s role in…
Read More“Transformers: Beast Wars” Comic Series Announced for 2021
IDW Publishing has announced that they will be publishing an ongoing comic series based on Beast Wars: Transformers in 2021. This series will be part of the 25th anniversary for the franchise. For those who are not aware, Beast Wars: Transformers was the follow-up animated series to The Transformers aka Transformers: Generation One. The series ran from 1996 to 1999, and features the descendants of the Transformers known as the Maximals and Predacons, who get sent to prehistoric earth thanks to a time/ space phenomenon. Because of this their war took place chronologically before…
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