Today, I am proud to fully present my newest ‘ZM Interview’ that is in collaboration with Hero-Club. My guest this time is voice actor Lee Tockar, as we reported on Monday. Now, Lee Tockar is a person that 90’s kids in North America heard throughout animated programs even into adulthood. Several of Mr. Tockar’s roles are apart of American and Canadian co-productions like Beast Wars: Transformers, as Agent Ravage. Whereas, his other roles have been for Ocean Group’s English dubs in anime series like the rarely seen Dragon Ball Z Kai.
In my interview with Lee Tockar, it has been split into two parts. The first part seen below features an introduction to Mr. Tockar, and collecting merchandise base on his roles. Additionally, I discuss with Lee Tockar, his appearance in the Ruby Spears’ Mega Man cartoon as Mega Man X’s Vile. Furthermore, this segment features the ‘sneak peak’ clip of Lee Tockar discussing voicing Dragon Ball’s Frieza.
Then in the second part of the interview, Lee Tockar and I continue our talk of Vile’s character. Also, we get into his time on Bionicle as Mukata Teridax, the Mukata best known by the series’ fans. Throughout the video viewers will notice how Mr. Tockar loves to show his range in roles, and answer questions as the designated role. We even discuss other hobbies and interests we have in art to close out the interview.
Lastly, I would like to thank Lee Tockar again for the opportunity to interview him. Also, fans should check out Mr. Tockar on Twitter, his YouTube Channel, and look forward to his possible children’s books. Whereas, loyal Hero-Club readers can learn more about me by checking out my various social media pages below. Furthermore, I do commissions on cosplay prop making, and figure customization too. So, please check out my portfolio, and stay tuned for more things here at Hero-Club!
ZeltraxMillennium on Social Media:
Addition Credits:
- Ravage from Models Resources
- Lounge-Stage provided by SachiShirakawa