“This Time on Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot” Trailer

Today, the official Xbox YouTube Channel uploaded a new trailer for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. However, this all-new trailer features the Funimation Entertainment English dub narrator, Kyle Hebert. In the trailer, Mr. Hebert resumes his role as the narrator and reintroduces fans to the Dragon Ball universe. In addition, Hebert gives a rundown on gameplay mechanics and specific playable characters. Furthermore, the trailer teases some of the new additions to the Dragon Ball lore. Fans can view the trailer down below:

Also, we have promotion images regarding the pre-order bonuses and the Collector’s Edition. As previously reported, the pre-order bonus includes the sub-quest “A Competitive Party With Friends,” early access to Bonyu’s training (a new character designed by Toriyama), and a cooking item. Whereas, the Collector’s Edition will include a hardcover game artbook, steelbook case, and diorama figure. Other releases for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot include a Deluxe Edition and an Ultimate Edition. The Deluxe Edition will include the season pass for two future story episodes, and a cooking item. Then the Ultimate Edition will have the contents of the Deluxe Edition, as well as a music compilation pack with 11 songs, and the Tao Pai Pai Pillar.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot releases in two weeks on Friday, January 17, 2020. The game will be available on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Steam. The game will features Japanese and English audio, but will support Neutral-Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles.


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