Today, Toei is announcing three upcoming Kamen Rider projects for the franchise’s 50th anniversary. The first project Toei announced is the anime adaptation of the Kamen Rider W manga Futo Detective. However, they have announced the second project is a reboot of the classic Showa Era installment Kamen Rider Black. Titled, Kamen Rider Black Sun, the series will reboot the 1987 series, with its intended release for 2022 for the show’s 35th anniversary.
Kamen Rider Black Sun’s main director will be Kazuya Shiraishi, who intends to enhance the tragic story of Kotaro Minami and Nobuhiko Akizuki. Whereas, the titular logo has been designed by calligraphy artist Souun Takeda. However, no other details have been confirmed at this time, so please stay tuned for more details.
The original Kamen Rider Black aired from October 4, 1987 to October 9, 1988 for a total of 51-episodes. The series premise featured the tragic story of two brothers, Kotaro Minami and Nobuhiko Akizuki being kidnapped by the cult, Golgom. The brothers were selected to be the heirs of the Creation King, and given the titles of the Century Kings. However, Kotaro Minami the “Black Sun” manages to escape, becoming Kamen Rider Black to defeat Golgom. Unfortunately, Nobuhiko assumes his role as Shadowmoon, and the two are forced to fight one another.
Kamen Rider Black would go onto have a sequel series in Kamen Rider Black RX the following year. In addition, the character would make various appearances in other Toei productions. Furthermore, its sequel would be the source material for Saban’s Masked Rider in the 90’s.
Source: Kamen Rider Official
[…] However, fans should be weary if the figure uses ‘soft good’ materials like the recent Kamen Rider Black release. Then if that is the case, this figure may be as fragile as its counterpart, and not worth […]