Today, Hero-Club presents its newest interview during Power Rangers’ Power Week and the lead-up to Power Morphicon 2022! Our guest this time is the legendary voice actor and ADR director, Steve Kramer. Mr. Kramer has been working on anime adaptations since the 80’s, having worked with Harmony Gold and Saban Brands. Also, for a majority of his career in anime voice acting he usually is type cast as the wise old man. Whereas, the best example for this casting would be as the Third Hokage in Naruto or as Captain Kyoraku in Bleach. However, Power Rangers fans best remember Mr. Kramer as Darkonda from In Space. So, with the introduction done, fans can now jump right into the video featured below!
Now, this concludes our interview with Steve Kramer, and we thank him for allowing us the opportunity to feature him. For us, this interview was a longtime coming, as it took us ages to locate and contact Mr. Kramer. Yet, we finally managed to make this entire thing happen seemingly through luck and calling in favors. So, we really hope that readers enjoy all the time we put into this interview as it became a project for Hero-Club. However, this is not our only interview for the foreseeable future, as we have more coming so please stay tuned. Nevertheless, to keep up to date with Hero-Club, we suggest following us across social media using @HeroClub4Life.