TWK Reviews Episode 99: The Simpsons Hit and Run (Patreon Request)

Hello Hero-Club, welcome everyone to a review for the acclaimed licensed game, The Simpsons: Hit and Run. Now, the game was originally a Playstation 2 exclusive title in 2003, but was later ported to other systems. Whereas, it is another adaptation for one of the longest running media properties created within the past fifty years. So, for those who do not know about the Simpsons, I suggest checking out its re-runs on FXX or binging the show on Disney+.   However, the game was developed by Radical Entertainment who previously…

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TWK Reviews Halloween Special 2024: Silent Hill 2

Hello there Hero-Club, T-Dub here, and it has been some time since my last post on this website. However, that is due to being uncertain on if I should post my back catalogue or just go with the newer content. Although, after much deliberation I decided to start posting my newest videos, starting with Episode 98: Silent Hill 2. Especially, since this is going to be the Halloween Special for my channel and reviews this year.   Now, for those unaware, Silent Hill 2 was developed by Team Silent, a…

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TWK Reviews Episode 77: Spider-Man 2 is the Champion of Superhero Games

Hello there Hero-Club, TDub here, and is it great to be able to post to the site again. Also, what a video I have today for my return, as I am looking at Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Now, this sequel was one of my most anticipated games, which I waited for with every fiber of my being. Coincidentally, as far as consoles are concerned, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a Playstation 5 exclusive. Whereas, out of all the exclusives thus far, I believe the Spider-Man games best showcase the system’s full power.…

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TWK Reviews Episode 76: Is WWE 2K24 Universally Great?

Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and today we’re talking about the latest entry from both WWE and 2K, the aptly titled WWE 2K24 and for the sake of full transparency, the version I’m playing is the Playstation 5 version. One of the more interesting things regarding the WWE 2K series is how it all traces itself back to the SmackDown games on the Playstation 1 (shout out to Sony for keeping a consistent naming scheme going whilst Microsoft continues to make things confusing AF) and those first few titles were…

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TWK Reviews Episode 67: EA Enters the Ring with WCW Mayhem

Hello, Hero Club, TDub here, and welcome to my review of Electronic Arts’ debut in the world of professional wrestling video games aka WCW Mayhem. Yes, we’re talking about THAT EA. The one that forced microtransactions into games. The one who many believe to be the most evil video game company in the world although I personally think that Activision-Blizzard have been doing one heck of a job catching up in that department. However, I digress, as not only is this EA’s initial WCW game but also the first without…

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TWK Reviews Episode 66: WCW/nWo Revenge is THE Sequel

Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my review of WCW/nWo Revenge which was released for the Nintendo 64 back in the year 1998. To say that WCW was en fuego during this time would be an understatement. In fact, both WWF and WCW were firing on all cylinders as far as fan support was concerned. WCW had nWo Hollywood, nWo Wolfpac, Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, Goldberg and a whole load of cruiserweights putting on classics whilst WWF were running wild with the Corporation, Steve Austin, the Ministry of…

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TWK Reviews Episode 57: Final Fantasy 7 Remake is Almost Perfect

Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my review of Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the Playstation 5. The original FF7 is among my absolute favorites so you can bet when the much anticipated remake was announced that I was beyond hyped for its release.   In my opinion, Square-Enix did a stellar job remaking it or at least remaking the first few hours and turning them into their own full blown RPG. Is there padding? Yes, but in the end I feel like it all works out. However,…

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TWK Reviews Episode 56: Does Gat Out of Hell Deserve All of Its Hate?

Hello there, Hero-Club, TDub here and yes, it has been quite a while since my last review. Good reason for that: I am currently in the process of moving which has taken longer than expected. I was, however able to squeeze in one last review before leaving my original abode so let’s get to it.   Today’s subject is none other than the stand alone expansion to Saints Row IV, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell and to say that it received a mixed response from the fans would be…

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TWK Reviews Episode 55: Ocarina of Time Minigames

Hello, Hero Club, TDub here and welcome to my video regarding the mini-games from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 or in this case, the Nintendo Switch’s Online Expansion Pass. Mini-games have always been one of my favorite parts of video games in general, let alone the Legend of Zelda franchise which houses some very memorable ones including what you’ll see in this video. How well do they hold up after twenty plus years? Only one way to find out and that’s to play them…

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TWK Reviews Episode 54: WWE 2K23 is a Slight Step Forward

Hello Hero-Club, TDub here, and welcome to my review of WWE’s annual video game release, WWE 2K23! For the first time since the series’ return with, WWE 2K22, 2K has managed to release a yearly sequel. Interestingly, with the return to the usual format, the game, itself has been seen as quite the big deal.   For those unaware, WWE 2K20, was the culmination of every bad decision that 2K could possibly make. As a result, WWE 2K20 ended up becoming the most glitch filled, high-budgeted wrestling game in recent…

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