During the “Rider Week Kick Off Panel” presented by Team Kamen Rider, it was announced that two new Kamen Rider series will be joining the Tokushoutsu line-up later this year. Shout Factory’s tokusatsu-based streaming platform launched last year with Kamen Rider (1971) as its first release. Then a few months later the platformed added Kamen Rider Kuuga (2000) to its library. Whereas, Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever (2018) was the first movie presented on the platform. With the 50th Anniversary of Kamen Rider happening this year, Tokushoutsu will be streaming Kamen Rider Zero-One (2019) and Kamen Rider Ryuki (2002). In addition to both series…
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Official Images: DX Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Heisei Legend Rider Gashat Set
Premium Bandai has recently opened an official preorder page for the DX Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Heisei Legend Rider Gashat Set. Preorders for the set will open on January 10 and will close on February 6. The set will be released this March priced at 16,200 Yen. The Gashats will be compatible with the DX EX-Aid Gamer Driver. The set will include: Kuuga Gashat Agito Gashat Ryuki Gashat Faiz Gashat Blade Gashat Hibiki Gashat Kabuto Gashat Den-O Gashat Kiva Gashat Decade Gashat Those who are interested should contact their preferred middleman for more details. Source: Premium Bandai
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