The first episode of the Dances with the Dragons anime series premiered on the FunimationNow service on Saturday, which revealed the English dub cast of the show. The cast includes: Garret Storms: Gayus Levina Soleil Josh Bangle: Gigina Jardi Doruk Meleios Ashley-Bufh Megan Shipman: Jivenya Lorezzo Janelle Lutz: Nidvork Garrett Schenck: Mouldeen Oujes Gunei Natalie Hoover: Curaçao Opte Kouga Kyle Igneczi: Horton Brandon McInnis: Helodel Jeremy Inman: Rolca Klem Bagfotte Jad Saxton: Jokanne Rachael Messer: Xenobia Ilm Jeska Madeleine Morris: Arzel Sonny Strait: Sazaran The English production team consists of:…
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Funimation Announces Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199 English Dub Cast
Funimation Entertainment has recently announced the English Dub cast for Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199. The English Dub cast includes: Chris Wehkamp: Susumu Kodai Ricco Fajardo: Daisuke Shima Brian Mathis: Okita Mallorie Rodak: Mori The first episode Dub cast will consist of: Apphia Yu: Jiro Kenny Green: Dr. Sado Felecia Angelle: Harada Bill Jenkins: Hijikata Jeremy Inman: Hirata Mike McFarland: Kato Z. Charles Bolton: Mamoru Kodai Stephen Fu: Nanbu Phil Parsons: Sanada Doug Jackson: Serizawa Bradley Campbell: Todo R Bruce Elliott: Tokugawa Ben Phillips: Yabu Kent Williams: Yamanami The production cast…
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