Sony Pictures has announced that Hirona Yamazaki will be be joining the cast of the live-action film adaptation of the Monster Hunter game franchise. Yamazaki is set to portray as the “Handler,” who will be helping Artemis and the Hunter on their journey. For those who are not aware the “Handlers” featured in the various Monster Hunter games help hunters chose their missions. The confirmed cast members so far include: Captain Natalie Artemis Tony Jaa: Hunter Hirona Yamazaki: Handler Ron Perlman: Admiral T.I. Harris: Link Diego Boneta: Sergeant Marshall Meagon Good: TBA Josh Helman: TBA Last month Sony…
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Monster Hunter Hollywood Live-Action Film In the Works
Deadline has recently posted a Q&A featuring Paul W.S. Anderson and Jeremy Bolt (Impact Pictures) about their work on the Resident Evil films. During the Q&A they revealed that they will be working on a live-action adaptation of the Monster Hunter game series. According to Deadline, Anderson already has a rough draft of the script finished and the team will be partnering up with Dennis Berardi, the co-founder/ president of VFK house, MR. X. Inc. The company previously worked with the team on the visual effects for the Resident Evil films. The Monster Hunter film is said to be around a $50 million budget. Deadline also…
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