Official Images: S.H.Figuarts Dan Kuroto Shin

Premium Bandai has recently updated with an official pre-order page for S.H.Figuarts Dan Kuroto Shin. The figure, while similar to S.H.Figuarts Shin Dan Kurotowill include different accessories. For those who are unaware, Dan Kuroto renamed himself Dan Kuroto Shin after he was revived through the Proto Mighty Action X Gashat. With the prototype, Dan Kuroto received the ability to revive himself through ‘continues’ like an actual video game character. However, he only possesses 99 continues…

The figure will include:

  • Alternate face partsX2 (exclusive to this version)
  • Exchangeable wrists (LeftX4, RightX5)
  • “God’s Resurrection Panel”
  • Gashat X2

Pre-orders for the figure will open on May 23 at 4 P.M. JST priced at 7,344 yen and the item will be released this November. Those who are interested should contact their preferred middleman for more details.

Source: Premium Bandai

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