Official Images: S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Kiva

Nearly a decade after the series aired and Tamashii Nations began releasing S.H.Figuarts, Kamen Rider Kiva finally joins the line. Previously Kamen Rider Kiva was partially overlooked by Tamashii Nations, as they only approached the character in his final form as Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor Form; since the figure could be easily retooled as S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Dark Kiva. In addition, Tamashii Nations quickly worked to release the series’ secondary Rider, Kamen Rider Ixa in S.H.Figuarts form during the line’s earlier years.


Now similar to Kamen Rider Hibiki’s release, Kamen Rider Kiva will bypass the standard S.H.Figuarts release and be apart of the S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou series. In addition, the first run releases for S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Kiva will be apart of the Heisei Rider Rising Project, and come with a Kiva Ridewatch Tamashii Pedestal. The Kiva Ridewatch stage will be the same production type as the stages packaged with the 20 Kamen Rider Kicks reissues. Whereas, the base release will feature a removable Kivat the 3rd, and the character’s six base Fuestles (Wake Up, Doran, Buroon, Garulu, Bassha & Dogga). Furthermore, the figure will have option parts to recreate Kamen Rider Kiva’s signature Rider Kick, the Darkness Moon Break. Below is the official gallery from Bandai:

S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Kiva is a retail release, scheduled for April 2019. Retailers will be allowed to open pre-orders for this item on Thursday, November 1st. The retail price for S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Kiva is 7560 yen, however the price will vary between retailers.


Source: S.H.Figuarts Blog

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[Official Images] S.H.Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor Form – Hero Club
3 years ago

[…] In the series, Wataru used the power of Tatsulot’s brace form in order to obtain this form. In addition, to the various tools used by Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor Form, the figure will also include Kivat-Bat the 4th. For those who did not watch the series, Kivat-Bat the 4th was used by Wataru’s future grandson, Masao Kurenai. The character was portrayed by Kouhei Takeda, who also portrayed Otoya Kurenai. Kivat-Bat the 4th will be compatible with the previously released Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Kiva. […]