Hasbro has officially sent out the promotional images for the upcoming figures joining the Transformers’ War for Cybertron Siege toyline. Among the images are products previously revealed in the preview teaser the company released last week with characters like Titan Class Omega Supreme, and Commander Class Jetfire. However, other new products for iconic character were newly revealed or confirmed previous leaks. Among these scans is the highly anticipated Leader Class Optimus Prime based on his new IDW design, which powers up into his Transformers Cybertron design. In addition, the reveals featured the rumored G1 accurate, triple-changing Springer! Below readers can see the galleries for our various classes:
Micro Masters: Caliburst & Smashdown
Deluxe Class: Impactor, Mirage & Red Alert
Voyager Class: Thundercracker & Springer
Leader Class Optimus Prime
Commander Class Jetfire (Hasbro Made an Error, Image says Deluxe)
Titan Class Omega Supreme
Finally, these products are scheduled to release throughout Summer and into Fall. In addition, HasbroPulse and other retailers have already opened pre-orders for these items.
Source: Comicbook.com
[…] Fair 2019. Those who are interested can check out the previous Transformers Cyberverse and the Transformers Siege on Cybertron reveals. The new reveals […]
[…] will be joining alongside Deluxe Class Autobot Impactor and Autobot Mirage, which were officially revealed at New York Toy Fair 2019. Both Micromaster sets are the only new sets in wave 3 and wave 4 so […]